Economy and Jobs
Unless you’ve been under a rock lately, you know Alberta has been hurting for jobs. The lack of pipeline access to world markets for our oil and gas is a key concern. I have and will continue to defend our need and our right to get our responsibly sourced oil and gas to market. No one produces oil and gas more safely than we Albertans. Our engineering know-how is legendary and innovative, and I have confidence in our ability to continue to fuel the world in a clean and responsible fashion.
We can’t forget other sectors and economic drivers either.
Small business is choking on red tape and drowning in layered taxes and fees, not to mention bureaucracy. As a small business owner for more than twenty years, I know what it takes to survive. It would be incredibly satisfying for me to stand up for the small business sector in the Alberta legislature and consult with them on how government can help small businesses create even more jobs than they already do.
Finally, diversification is key. Much of the energy and engineering expertise in this province is already far ahead of other jurisdictions in renewable energy applications. We need to grab our fair share of the renewables market at the same time as sustaining and nurturing our oil and gas industry. Some of the biggest oil and gas players are already deep into renewables. Let’s not miss the next Leduc, let’s use our engineering expertise to grab hold of the next energy wave.