Albertans are suffering. The economic downturn, job losses, uncertainty in getting our products to market, ideological extremism, taxes and debt are all taking their toll on regular people.

That’s why the Alberta Party has a plan to make life better for Albertans – and not just the 1%, we’re talking about everyday working folks who need help and leadership to get our province out of its current quagmire.

Here are ten specific and concrete ways the Alberta Party will act to make life better for Albertans:

  1. Bypass BC and get access to tidewater for our oil via a bold new Alberta-Alaska rail and pipeline access plan
  2. Stimulate added value processing of our oil and gas by supporting Refining and Petrochemical Development
  3. Our Jobs First plan, reducing taxes for small business and providing a stable investment environment for large businesses
  4. A Welcome to Alberta plan to attract corporations to relocate to Alberta with significant tax incentives, signalling we are once again open for business
  5. A carbon tax plan that, unlike the current government’s plan, does not penalize households and families, but does require large industrial emitters to take responsibility
  6. Our Children First plan, making childcare more affordable for more families
  7. New dental coverage for Albertan families
  8. A clear commitment to work with Indigenous Peoples as respectful partners
  9. A commitment to Health Care that is well-planned, fiscally responsible, accessible, sustainable for future generations, and not susceptible to the current perennial cost-overruns
  10. A firm position that commits us to work towards and fortify:
    1. Prosperity
    2. Fiscal responsibility
    3. Social responsibility
    4. Sustainability
    5. Democracy
    6. Quality of life

These are not the usual empty promises. As the Alberta Party candidate for Calgary-West, I believe firmly in creating opportunities for everyone, without bias or prejudice.

Freedom needs to be nurtured and protected. Freedom from the extremes of the ideological left and right. Freedom to succeed and attain a great quality of life. Freedom to think what you want, and say what you want, within the bounds of civil discourse and free of hate or online threats.

If you send me to Edmonton I will work night and day to help Alberta, and Calgary-West, thrive once again.

I welcome your comments below.